The first page you see when logged in is the Dashboard:

1. Come to this page from anywhere in the program at any time, by clicking at the top of every screen, or
at the bottom of every screen
2. This BUTTON displays your name—click to log out or change your password
3a and 3b. The MENU ITEMS in 3a go to the same main areas of the program as the same-named BUTTONS in 3b. Each button in 3b is colour-coded for the section it represents
4. The MORE link shows your financial status and the opportunity to renew
5. The name and farm name you chose on signup
Please contact us if you would like to change the name and/or farm name. You cannot do this yourself but we can if needed. You may for example wish to transfer your account to another party that you sold your entire herd to, and have their name appear when they log in. See also Can I Change the Name and/or Farm Name? and Can I Transfer My Account?
The Dashboard
- Help Manual
- Getting Started
- The Dashboard
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