A row of coloured ICONS will form over time in an animal row in AotG >> Animals as you enter data in other sections such as Procedures or Shearing:
Each ICON is colour-coded to match the section it references, and the number inside tells at a glance the number of records for that animal in that section.
is a general ICON that accesses the five data sets below. It toggles the display on and off.
indicates two Procedures records. Click to view.
(Link to Help article)
indicates three Weights records. Click to view.
(Link to Help article)
indicates two Shearing records. Click to view.
(Link to Help article)
indicates one Showing record. Click to view.
(Link to Help article)
indicates one Mating record. Click to view.
(Link to Help article)
Clicking any of these ICONS will reveal a popdown showing the details for that animal in that section. Clicking will go straight to the WEIGHING TAB, with weight details, clicking will go straight to the SHEARING TAB with shearing details, etc:
You can switch between TABS within the popdown to view other data sets.
Clicking on a TAB will take you straight to the AotG section it refers to.
Alternatively, when on the WEIGHING TAB click the ICON to view a weight chart right there:
and when on the SHEARING TAB click the ICON to view a shearing chart right there:
The Icon Row
- Help Manual
- Animals
- The Icon Row
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