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The GENERAL TAB is the only essential one for entering animals, and appears as the default for this reason.
It is accessible via AotG >> Animals, by clicking either to add a new animal, or the
EDIT ICON at the left of an existing animal row. This tab is white to indicate it is active.
Every animal you enter in AotG is either going to be an animal you care for or care to know of, and they are all entered in this section.
- animals you care for would include your own herd and/or animals you agist/board, while
- animals you care to know of would typically be ancestors of your herd whether recent or several generations back. Entering ancestors becomes important if you wish to construct complete pedigree trees with AotG. (Covered in The Pedigree Tab and How to Construct a Pedigree.)
But more on this later! Just know for now that every animal that needs to be in AotG for whatever reason is entered via this tab.
In Herd: tick if the animal is in your herd (animals you care for), especially if you will also be adding ancestors that aren’t in your herd (animals you care to know of). Ticking this box enables a filter in other parts of the program to display only herd animals, and is very useful.
Identifier: this is the only mandatory field when entering animals. You literally could enter no other details when entering animals, and still be able to use the program for managing your herd. An identifier can be anything you want, but it must be unique. It could be a registration number, a name, an on-farm number, a name and a number, anything so long as no other animal in the program has that same identifier.
Please note: if you use this field to record names, there is an optional field further down the page to record registration numbers. Similarly, if you use this field to record registration numbers, there is an optional field further down the page to record names.
In short, please don’t feel restricted here. We’ve made sure this section is as flexible as possible and can work with anyone. Choose whatever you like working with as the primary identifier for your animals, and make use of the optional, additional fields further down to record the other details.
Tag Number: a tag number here refers to an on-farm number that uniquely identifies an animal within your herd. It is often on a large tag carried by an animal, and is easily visible in the paddocks for your benefit. It may not have any meaning outside your herd. You can leave this field blank if you already use a tag number in the identifier field above. Alternatively use this space to record the tag number in addition to whatever you have used as the identifier above.
Photo: Click the green box to select a photo from your computer.
The rest of the fields are self-explanatory and can be filled in, or not, depending on how much detail you wish to record. You can always enter some information and come back to fill the rest in later too.
The General Tab
- Help Manual
- Animals
- The General Tab
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