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Use this section to record all husbandry and medical procedures you apply to your herd. You can add to this list at any time and in any order.
1. If you haven’t already done so, first create the list of procedures in AotG >> Procedures (shown here)
2. Click on at top of page, or
3. Click on the next screen to enter the Medical, Add new screen
4. Here select either a Group or an animal via Identifier(Name)—choosing one disables the other. Selecting a Group will allow a procedure to be recorded for every animal in that group in one go—ideal if vaccinating or weaning many animals at once. Selecting an individual animal via Identifier(Name) will record a procedure only for that animal
5. You must enter a Date and a Procedure, but the Description, Details and Cost fields are optional
6. Click
7. A visual confirmation will appear:
and a new empty page loads immediately below ready for new data
8. Click to view all entered records in list form. (You can also click
in the top menu anywhere in the program at any time to come to this page.) You can edit any detail at any time by clicking the EDIT ICON to the left of that record
How to Add Medical and Husbandry Records
- Help Manual
- Medical and Husbandry
- How to Add Medical and Husbandry Records
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